Registration Fees

All fees are displayed in $NZ and inclusive of 15% GST.

CategoryEarly BirdRegular
Normal Delegate13501550
IMWA Member11501350
Accompanying Person500600
Day Registration500600
Printed Proceedings100100
Short Courses Regular450500
Short Courses IMWA Member390430
Short Courses Student320350
Opening Ceremony freefree
Congress Dinner140140
Mid Conference Excursion 1: Rehabilitated Mine Site195195
Mid Conference Excursion 2: Cultural Activity5555
Mid Conference Excursion 3: Christchurch City Tour8080
Mid Conference Excursion 4: Winery Tour130130
Post Congress Field Trip 11450
Post Congress Field Trip 2 1450
Post Congress Field Trip 3 2050

GST – Goods and Services Tax